Easy to access legal documents

Inside our platform, you will have the ability to manage your legal documents on-line.

Our platform is available 24/7 to meet all your needs for advice and documents

Say goodbye to filing cabinets and lost signatures!

Search documents

Search our library of legal documents and contracts. Edit, share and download for free with LawBite subscription plans.

Upload documents

Upload a document you want checking, editing or to use our e-sign service.

Edit documents

Use our online document editor to make changes to your contracts and agreements in the cloud.

Do more...

  • Print & e-Sign: download, print or send your documents digitally to use e-signing
  • Masters: create master templates and duplicate copies
  • Store & Share: your documents are stored in the cloud, so you can share with anyone

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Expert legal advice in 3 easy steps

LawBite is committed to delivering high-quality legal advice with no hidden extra charges. Our straightforward legal advice process will help get your legal matters resolved quickly and cost-effectively.

View our pricing

1. Make an enquiry

Book a free call with one of our friendly lawyers, solicitors or mediators at a time that suits you. Our platform will immediately match you with the right legal expert.

speak to your lawyer

2. Speak to an expert

On your call, they'll assess your requirements and provide you with the next steps and a breakdown of the work required.

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3. Get a fixed-price quote

Our team will then send you a no-obligation, fixed-price quote. When you accept your quote, we'll get started on your legal work.

How can LawBite help?

Our LawBriefs can provide expert guidance and reassurance, whether you are bringing or defending a legal claim, or resolving a dispute using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods like Mediation and Arbitration.

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