Matthew Creagh
LawBite has partnered with Taylor Vinters to further extend it’s legal support capacity for SMEs. Taylor Vinters is an international law firm supporting the businesses which drive the innovation economy, and the entrepreneurs and private wealth that underpin them. Their clients range from Fortune 500 technology multinationals through fast growth venture backed businesses and owner managed businesses, to individuals driven by great ideas and a passion.
Matt Creagh works in the Commercial & Technology team at Taylor Vinters. He also has experience of working as an in-house lawyer for a blue chip US company.
Matt is a commercial lawyer and handles commercial contracts, data protection and privacy matters for Taylor Vinters’ commercial and technology clients. He works with all commercial clients, in relation to commercial contracts with specific experience of working within the TMT, Fintech and Life Sciences sectors. He has experience advising on all commercial contracts including agreements for the supply of goods, software agreements and licences, non-disclosure agreements, terms and conditions and licensing agreements.